Wednesday 10 November 2010

Indie Magazine Front Cover

In my indie magazine i have chosen to use a stereotypical image of what you would expect an indie music artist to look like; long scruffy hair, skinny jeans a blazer and brogues. So by using this image it would attract the intended audience. I have chosen a simple colour scheme of the blue that’s in the image and black; this keeps it easy to read and gives it a clean cut look and appeals to both men and women. By putting the image on the right of the page and keeping the title and the articles on the left makes it easy for the reader to read that articles on the cover at a quick glance, as we read from left to right it makes more sense having it laid out this way therefore making it easily read without any fuss or confusion. The stories i have put on the cover are very music based as this genre of music is very much just about music and less about image. I chose to put an article about the NME tour as that is an iconic music magazine and such a prestigious award ceremony in this genre. The main story is bigger than the others to highlight that is the main story in the issue. The '90 Minutes With' is bolder to draw the attention of readers and to make it stand out. The language i have used is kept very formal and full English is used as the magazine is intended for the more in educated audience. Typically ABC1.

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