Wednesday 10 November 2010

R&B Magazine Front Cover

For my R&B magazine front cover i have chosen a simple black and white image as the cover photo which is very similar to those used on various other R&B magazines, it is conveying the power of women in the industry and is impacting on the audience at the same time.  I have kept with the colour scheme of the photo and used that in the font colour, i decided on using red to contrast with the grey so it would stand at. This again gives impact and draws its target audience towards the magazine. I have used the names well known R&B artists that have large fanbases which will again grab the attention of its possible audience. I have kept the layout fairly simple so it is easy to read and gives the impression the layout of the rest of the magazine is like this and kept simple throughout. I think that my use of colour works well because it contrasts with the cover image, yet it is bold enough to stand out. Stereotypically this genre of music is associated with black ethnic origin with a background of low social classes whos audiences are typically C2 to D borderline. I have tried to get this across with my use of picture and stories on the cover. I feel my final outcome has come out well However if i was to do this again i would use a better software where i could crop the background behind her head and have the title of the magazine behind the picture so it would look my proffesional and like something you would see on a magazine.

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