Thursday 11 November 2010

Media Magazine Questionnaire & Analysis

The target audience of the magazine will have a big impact on the magazine. From the results i can conclude that the readers are 70% female and 30% male and are aged between 16-25.   Many of them read music magzines weekly and spend between £2 and £3.50 on them meaning they have a low expendable income.  They attend conerts 3-4 times a year meaning they have an appreciation of live music and when they are not attending concerts they hear about the latest music through newspapers/magazines and the internet.  The readers are very much into their fashion and shop at levi, topshop/topman and urban outfitters and spend much of their spare time shopping, listening to music and reading.  I have found that 75% of readers look for interviews while 20% look for reviews, 10% news and 5% advertising.  These findings will help me to create an indie magazine with a balence of interviews, news and reviews with some advertising and a neutral colour scheme that attracts both men and women, it will have to be priced cheaply.                                 

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