Thursday 25 November 2010

NME Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread is from NME.  The colours are very simplistic as only blue, black and white are used. This gives the article a clean cut look which conforms to the stereotype of 'Indie'.  The image of the teenagers fills the entire left page which tells the readers whom the article is about along with the bold heading that s written in capitals. From the image we can tell that the band is quite laidback and relaxed, which is then carried through to the layout of the article. 
The heading of the article is bold block written in black to make it stand out against the other writing on the page and against the image used, which draws the eye of the reader. The band members are dressed casually and they are using direct eye contact in the image. This relates to the youthful audience that will read the magazine and makes this sort of lifestyle seem easily obtainable to them, making them aspire to be like this. This is also carried through into the text of the article as it is more like a conversation between people that can be easily related too. The patches of blue highlight the key points of the article, and the use of the white writing on the black background creates a stylish yet simplistic appearance.

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