Thursday 25 November 2010

NME Contents Page Analysis

This contents page is from indie magazine NME (New Music Express).  
The contents is placed on the right hand side with it split into subheadings indicated by a black strip and white writing to help the reader find what the are looking for easily. The colours used are limited and simple they are red, black and white, which relate to the 'NME' logo, keeping it very uniform. And still appealing to both a male and female audience.
The images used on the contents page  
feature two big stars that the target audience would be into in this specific type of genre. The pictures only take up half the contents page, leaving the other half to be filled with a taster article giving readers an insight into the rest of the magazine. By doing this you could suggest that the target audience are of a higher intellect than the other two contents pages i studied, as they would prefedr to read a little bit about the band than just look at the pictures of bands which feature.

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